Natural hemorrhoids treatments
Alternative treatments for hemorrhoids
You can try one or several of these therapies to alleviate hemorrhoid discomfort. If symptoms continue regardless of your efforts at relief, contact your doctor.
Acupuncture for hemorrhoids
Acupuncture can help in relieving hemorrhoid pain. There are few responsive points for acupunctural therapy for hemorrhoids. See a licensed practitioner for treatment.
Herbal therapies for hemorrhoids
Applied twice daily, pilewort (Ranunculus ficaria) ointment can reduce the pain of external hemorrhoids: Simmer 2 tbsp fresh or dried pilewort in 7 oz petroleum jelly for 10 minutes. Allow to cool before using; store leftover ointment in a closed container. Pilewort may also be taken as tee.
More than a dozen remedies, each taken at 12x can help hemorrhoid pain. Choosing the right one requires attention to your symptoms and, usually, a homeopath's help. For a sore, bruised, and perhaps bleeding anus, try Hamamelis. Aesculus can ease sharp, spiking rectal pain that is worsened with bowel movements, and Sulphur can reduce burning and itching aggravated by warmth.
This technique moves matter through the intestines, helping to prevent the constipation that contributes to hemorrhoids. Lie on your back, and use your fingers or your palm to make long, sweeping strokes. Repeat each stroke three to six times. Begin on your left side. Just below your ribs, rub toward your feet; then rub across your abdomen from the right to left just below your rib cage. Finally, point your fingertips toward your feet, and drag your hand up your right side from pelvis to ribs.
Yoga for hemorrhoids
Yoga can encourage blood flow away from hemorrhoids, reducing pain, inflammation, and bleeding. You can practice the known yoga positions ; Half Shoulder Stand, Shoulder Stand, Plow and Bridge. Hold each posture for a few minutes each day. A good complement for these postures is lying on a slant board with your head down for 15 minutes each day.
Before you take any further steps you should gather more information about the causes, diagnostic procedure, treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.